WARNING! You are entering the fun zone and you are in danger of purchasing your ticket to the unforgettable weekend and amazing summer memories. Once you are in, there is no way out 😀 Get your ticket and you will be sentenced to a weekend of endless fun, dance and music madness 😉
FULL WEEKEND PASS – all access pass, include entrance to all festival’s workshops and parties and festival’s attractions and activities during all weekend.
PARTY PASSÂ – Include entrances to all festivals parties: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, additional attractions like live concert, shows and activities on the beach during the day & our social dance zones.
ONE DAY PASS – Saturday or Sunday Pass- entrance to the workshops, party and festival’s activities on one selected day only.

30 July- 1 August 2021- Friday, Saturday and Sunday All access pass 😀 include entrance to all festival’s workshops and parties and festival’s attractions and activities during all weekend. Special offer available now:
before 26/07/2021
after 26/07/2021
Group discounts and offers are available on request, for more info contact us at deakocan@gmail.com

Include entrances to all the parties: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, additional attractions like live concert, shows and activities by the beach during the day & our social dance zones.

Include entrance to the workshops, party and activities on Saturday or Sunday only.
Buying tickets
REGISTRATION & PURCHASE The booking procedure involves few stages:
- Please read carefully our Terms and Conditions prior to your purchase, as purchase of Tickets constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
- Terms and conditions apply to tickets and attendance during the Deakocan Dance Festival and are binding for all event attendees.
- Select your desired type of PASS in our Deakocan online shop and follow on screen instructions
- Make a payment
- Print your order confirmation
- Bring the printed paper ticket and a proof of identity to collect your purchased pass at the festival’s office between 30.07- 1.08.2021
- Please note that the purchased tickets are non-refundable
- If you are no longer able to attend the event, you can resell your pass and its reserved rights to another person.
- The ticket owner’s name can be changed only once and is offered at no extra cost but it must be updated and validated until 26.07.2021. After NO CHANGES are accepted.
- Complimentary passes offered as prices in competitions, ruffles or as bonuses are NOT ALLOWED TO BE RESOLD. You also cannot change the names for this kind of passes.
By Bank Transfer
To avoid additional handling fees, caused by PayPal transaction fees you can make a payment by a domestic bank transfer to the account below:
for payments in £ (GBP) British Pound SterlingÂ
Sort Code: 40 07 27
Account Number: 01567837
for payments in € (EUR) Euro
Aneta Kepka
IBAN: PL 64 1160 2202 0000 0003 2049 30 84
for payments in PLN – Polish Zloty
Aneta Kepka
94 1160 2202 0000 0000 4752 27 10
When using, this mean of payment please use your name and surname together with the order number as a payment reference and email us at deakocan@gmail.com to confirm your purchase and for your personal ticket to be issued and delivered to you.
Please note that any additional bank charges, currency exchange rates, transaction fees are due to be paid on your side.
By Pay Pal
Secure online payment by PayPal, safe and easy way to pay online without revealing your card details. You do not need to be a registered PayPal user you can make a guest payment. Once you make a payment you will automatically receive the payment confirmation and the purchased ticket to your email address provided.
By Debit/Credit Card
You can buy tickets by debit or credit card via PayPal as a guest option.
International Bank Transfer
Please contact us at deakocan@gmail.com to obtain all the needed account information for international wire transfer.
In Person
You can also buy tickets directly from us at any events we are attending or at our regular classes.
On The Door
There will be also an opportunity to purchase the tickets on the door on the day of the event. The payment will be charged in cash only and it will be subject to availability. To avoid disappointment please make an advanced bookings.